Previous years
Student Awards Topics

Topic 2015

2030, environmental issue in the business model of Civil and Defense Aerospace Industry

Topic 2014

Emerging countries in the civilian and military aerospace industrial landscape in 2050

Topic 2013

2040 AIRPLANE! Will there be a pilot on board ? Civil and military drone applications

Topic 2012

What business models for the airlines in 2020 ? Think out of the box !

Topic 2011

Will Space be the new frontier? What will the geopolitical and industrial challenges be?

Topic 2010

New entrants, new technologies, new offers: What will the aerospace industrial landscape be like in 2025?

Topic 2009

What will military and civilian space look like in 2050? What will be the consequences for the aerospace and defence industry?

Topic 2008

The evolution of the energy and environmental context and its consequences on innovation and competitiveness of the aerospace and defence industry